Sign up to get more hot leads and customers!
PLUS, should you choose to use it, a 30% discount on system!!
We respect your privacy.
Yet, with a little education, it's just plain common sense tailored to the sell of a product.
And no, I’m not going to charge you my normal $20,000 fee for writing you a webinar, sales page, or sales letter - though big players gladly line up, because it's worth it!
Instead, I'm offering you Brian Keith Voiles' incredible course that’s jam-packed with every last one of his most closely guarded secrets, and I’m going to virtually give it away to you for peanuts.
This is where I learned most of what spawned my 7 figure career.
He's used the same methods he reveals to you to generate leads and customers through money-making ads, webpages, webinars and sales letters for legends like…
Robert Allen, N.Y. Times best selling author of "Nothing Down" and "Multiple Streams of Income"
Jay Abraham, world renowned marketing consultant and author
Ted Nicholas, author of "How to Form Your Own Corporation for $75"
The late Gary Halbert, one of the country’s most successful marketing experts ever. . . .
This definitely doesn't need any sugar coating...
It doesn’t matter how great your product is; how wonderful your service is – if you don’t have customers, all you have is a skill, or a product …. and no cash flow.
You see, most businesses are good at what they do… but they’re not good at getting customers. Michael Gerber identifies it as the engineer versus the entrepreneur.
But a business without customers won’t put a single dime in your pocket … even if you’ve got 12 years of college, specialized training, and a hundred different diplomas and certificates up the "wazoo".
You’re about to discover a proven, sure-fire way to increase the sales and profits of your business by getting all the hot leads and customers you can handle through advertisements, webpages, webinars, emailings, and promotional pieces that work.
Chances are you’ll begin to make money with every Facebook ad you run, every webinar you present, every webpage you write, every tweet you tweet, every post you place, every ad you run - anywhere- and every email, letter, or flyer you send out the door. Once, that is, you learn what Brian teaches you.
Even if your customer generation programs are currently doing okay now, you can now double, triple, or even quadruple the results you’re getting with his proven system. And it’s easy once you know the…
Copywriting – which just means persuasive writing intended to stimulate a desired action, which could range from opting in to an email list to closing a massive deal – is necessary in every form of communication that's ever come along, or that ever will.
Boring, irrelevant copy does not stimulate sales…
Good copywriting, which can be learned, imparts that alchemical element into writing which makes it persuasive… Which makes it compelling… Which starts your prospects to salivating such that only purchasing your product will relieve the urges.
That’s what this post is about… showing you where to turn to find simple, yet detailed information guaranteed to make your advertising work.
And that’s where this special magician I'm introducing you to, Brian Keith Voiles, comes in.
He writes webpages, webinars, video sales letters, email sequences, sales letters, and ads for a living. His fee for writing an advertising campaign begins at $22,500.00. He's got prospective clients lining-up to pay this fee because the ads, webpages, and sales letters he writes are real money-makers!
I was talking to one of his clients just yesterday, and he asked me...
"Do you know why I pay Brian Keith Voiles over twenty grand to write the copy for a single webpage?"
Having just told him I'd locked down an exclusive on offering Brian's out-of-print classic to the public again, I was holding my breath, expecting him to drop a bombshell.
What he said next rang louder than the ringing in my ears would have done if he had literally dropped that bomb next door. And he only said four simple words...
"Because he's worth it!"
Now, this is not a sales pitch for you to hire Brian or me. Of course, we are both for hire, and if you want that, inquire - but this is about something better!
Instead, we want you to "own" his hard-won knowledge. You need it to build any kind of business. That’s why…
I've recently re-released this home study course - with new updates that keep you abreast with the way that copy is used on the internet - that makes writing web pages, webinars, ads, emails, and sales letters a breeze… even for someone who’s never even seen a good ad, let alone written one!
AND, as founder of World Internet Summit, the largest and longest running entrepreneurial internet marketing training organization in the world, I've employed hundreds of the world's top speakers to speak on my stages...
I can tell you for sure, that a stage presentation is structured and built on these same copywriting principles!
If you're attracted to the glamour, prestige, and high income speaking from the stage offers you, you'd literally be a fool not to scroll immediately to the bottom of this webpage and order now.
And you can get this comprehensive course for a fraction of what you’d have to pay me (or me, or any other good copywriter) to write even a single ad for you, much less a web page, webinar, speech, or sales letter.
It's called...
Ad Magic (also called Advertising Magic) is unquestionably guaranteed to help you get all the hot leads and new customers you can handle…
And you know it's good, because, quite simply, we stand behind it. Here's your...
Try "Ad Magic: The Complete Guide To Creating Hot Ads, Webinars, Webpages & Sales Letters That Work!" for the next 12 months.
If, after you put Brian's proven techniques to the test and try them for one full year, you find that Ad Magic hasn’t brought you in at least TEN TIMES (10x) WHAT YOU PAID FOR IT simply request a complete no–hassle refund. And the audio and the video training, as well as the FREE bonus consultations and Facebook training we've done are yours to keep even if you do get your money back!
With a guarantee like this, you can be confident in knowing that Ad Magic is the best system ever written on the subject of writing ads, webpages, and sales letters to get hot leads and customers.
If you want your ads, optin pages, webpages, webinars, video sales letters, emails, sales letters, posts, and flyers to stop being money-wasters and start being money-makers, you must get this course.
Do you want to lose a lot of money very fast?
Of course you don't!
Perhaps you've heard that old joke that the easiest way to make a small fortune is to start with a large one...
Along those lines, I say that the easiest way for the unschooled business person to lose a lot of money is to start running Facebook ads...
There's an irony in that, because Facebook - as I speak - is the most efficient, most affordable advertising medium on earth.
That's IF you have the TWO dimensions of your ads dialed in, the technical (knowing how to place and optimize the ad) and the copy dimensions.
Get either one of them wrong - and it's a big waste of money to run ads... It's very possible to spend $2k, $5k over night without getting a single response. It happens more often than you dream.
61% of all ads run on Facebook do not get a single conversion action!!
Business Insider tells the story of a particular individual, then ends it with the reality that most advertisers operate under...
Their headline is...
"This Man's $600,000 Facebook Disaster Is A Warning For All Small Businesses."
What is doesn't say is that for every single person who loses $600k, there's countless thousands who lose $2k - $22k every month...
"Brar's tale is a cautionary one because Facebook has 25 million small businesses using its platform for one marketing purpose or another. Many of them are not sophisticated advertisers — they are simply plugging a credit card number into the system and hoping for the best. This is what can happen if you don't pay careful attention to contract language, or the live, real-time results your campaigns on Facebook are having."
I'm here to tell you... Facebook is a legitimate business. Facebook offers the BEST possible return on investment available in advertising today for the advertiser who understands how to write an ad that works, and how to run it and optimize it.
But Facebook is like the casino owner in Las Vegas who will let you risk your life savings in a single drunken spin of the wheel. It's up to YOU to know how to write effective copy and make money online.
Knowing how to put an ad or webpage together that brings in leads, customers, and orders is a asset.
It can also be your most powerful asset. In fact, it should be your most powerful asset. It's an asset you can leverage and use to make yourself serious money every single time your run an ad, write an email or a webpage.
And that's what Brian's course is all about.
Ad Magic will teach you how to master the "art and science" of writing powerful sales letters, web pages, emails, blog or Facebook posts, postcards, brochures, order forms, display ads, classified ads, and anything else you need to generate leads and customers.
Owning the Ad Magic home study course is like having your own in-house copywriter on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, because once you apply the step-by-step formulas laid-out in Ad Magic your ads, webpages, webinars, emails, and sales letters will practically write themselves!
Are you ready to invest in your ability to take control of your profits, amplify your lifestyle, and make a lot more money?
Burt Dubin
"Using your ideas, I created a new page. After 4 weeks my sales did not go up the 5% to 8% I hoped for. My sales doubled!
I’ve never seen such persuasion power."
You could charge triple and it would still be a great bargain."
"Advertising Magic is like nothing I've ever seen before on creating powerful ads and web pages. I am in awe and impressed with the amount of valuable information found in your power-packed manual and the audios."
"One of the things I like most is how you lay everything out in an easy to follow….step by step fashion. Each part of creating a great web page or ad is explained in detail! You really tell all the secrets!
Over the years I've purchased a lot of marketing programs but absolutely nothing compares to your Advertising Magic program."
Walt Fifer
Peter Sun
"Writing ads, optins, webpages, and emails that really sell is the ultimate ticket to financial freedom. As far as making money goes, you just cannot learn a better skill than this one.
Imagine. No matter what you want to sell, you can always come up with an ad or a letter to do the job. Anytime you need more business — simply turn the tap on. Sounds too good to be true?? Well, it isn't. Not if you have the right tools at your disposal."
"Your chapter on Empathy has given us a new awareness of our customers and how to improve our service to them.
We now have a waiting list of customers (something unheard of in this business).
I would like to thank you for your outstanding course. It is educating, entertianing & easy to read (a tribute to your copywriting skills). Ad Magic has been a very good investment for us."
Emillio & Blanch Librero
David Alford
"Just a quick note to tell you how impressed I am with ADVERTISING MAGIC!
Purchased it yesterday, and can hardly put it down. In fact, I stayed up until 2:30 AM reading it (and have barely scratched the surface of everything you've included)."
This is exactly what I should have known years ago because it would have saved me a lot of lost money and dead ends. "
It's a MUST buy for anyone who is serious about making money with internet marketing."
I’ve got dozens and dozens more emails from hundreds of customers around the world — including Ad Magic users in Ireland, England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and here in the USA… but they’ve all got one thing in common — they’re all people like you.
They’re people who want to improve their lives by improving their business profits.
And with my proven system, you can improve your life by putting out ads, webinars, webpages, sales letters, and in-store pieces that’ll suck-in the leads, the customers, and the cash like crazy, just as these customers have done!
Now, please understand: This is not information you’ll find in all the other ad writing and marketing books that are out there in the "main stream". And you definitely won’t even find this information in the curriculum of the top universities of the country!
The very first thing you must do before writing one word of copy! (see page 82)
27 fail-safe tests that every ad must pass before you use it! (see Chapter 20)
Exact word-for-word samples of webpages & sales letters that brought in million$… and how to adapt those same pages for your own business! (the whole Appendix is jammed full!)
How to practically guarantee that your email or letter gets opened, read, and responded to. (Devour Chapter 18 to get this right!!!)
Time tested words and phrases that sell on the web, in print, on a webinar, and from the stage - and how to use them. (Chapter 16 reveals more on this than you’ll ever begin to see anywhere else!… 24 BIG pages full!)
The real reasons people choose to buy anything — the secret truth long known by master salesmen, sociologists, and "con men" finally revealed! (Chapter Five, "Motivation Magic" shows you all you need to know!)
24 sure-fire bullet formulas you can plug right into to create sizzling hot, benefit-packed bullets with ease! (page 172-173)
The tips, tricks, and techniques that make Facebook ads work like a dream! (The bonus Facebook Magic will have you pulling money out of your magic hat daily!)
The single most important part of every webpage, post, and ad you write. (see page 137). Blow this one, and you blow your profits!
The easy 9-step trick to ask for the order in a way that gets prospects to act fast! (And they never see it coming!) (see pages 123 through 136)
12 Proven Strategies to get "in the mood" to crank out hot ads whenever you want … like a hot thoroughbred race horse gets "hot" to race. (see pages 286 through 296)
The 6 essential (yet over-looked) questions you must ask yourself to make sure your ad, web page, web site, or sales letter is focused! (see page 99)
11 steps to writing a "million dollar" web page. It only takes ONE webpage, ONE webinar, or ONE on stage presentation to make a million dollars… (discover what it takes on pages 260 – 267)
How to find out why people don’t respond to a good ad, webpage, sales letter, or post, and what to do once you know! (see page 105)
The inside secrets of how to create a guarantee that practically forces your customers to buy now! (easy as pie if you follow Chapter 14!)
Here's a few of the hundreds more things you'll get out of your course:
13 tips and tricks for creating powerful openings to your ads and webpages! (pages 142-144 tell all!)
The 11-step formula anyone can use to write ad copy 100x more potent than the best Madison Avenue ad agency! (Chapter 23 reveals the ‘glue’ that brings everything else you learn in the system together!)
Exactly how you can get all the testimonials you’d ever want! (Chapter 13 gives you more details on this proven strategy than you’ll ever see elsewhere!!!)
How to lay out your webpage for increased readership. (Read Chapter 18 for this)
A revolutionary new approach to follow that makes putting out ads, opt-in pages, webpages, posts, & sales letters easier, and virtually guarantees their success. (Follow Chapter 23 carefully….)
This is just the beginning of all you get from Ad Magic!
The 12 essential elements of every great webpage or salesletter and how you can use them. (see Chapter 18)
The best way to create the "first draft" of your ad. (This technique will surprise you! See page 292!)
The 12 deadly mistakes most online advertisers make and how you can avoid them! (See pages 32-55)
10 guaranteed ways to increase readership and response to your Facebook ads and posts, web pages, and blog posts… without touching your current copy! (Chapter 19 reveals all ten in specific detail!)
How to create powerful headlines that compel your prospects to read your ad or webpage! (Chapter nine gives you the most complete treatise ever on the subject of headlines!)
Why you’ve got to forget almost everything your English teacher ever taught you to make your ads and sales letters pull in the cash sales you deserve! (page 227-228 gives you the scoop)
Brian’s approach to coming up with hot ads and webpages is completely different than anything you’ve ever seen, read, or heard before — and what’s more, Brian says, “I am absolutely convinced that anybody can do what I do, once they understand it!”
Ad Magic is your complete "encyclopedia tour guide" to creating ads, webpages, and sales letter that generate hot leads and new customers for your business.
It's all laid out for you in precise, step-by-step detail.
Let's sum up exactly what you get with...
You'll be very happy. And I'm also including a very valuable bonus that could be responsible for making you an awful lot of money! More to come on that.
First off, you get the Ad Magic manual. That's 427 type-set, 8.5"x11" pages of power-packed information that reveals my proven step-by-step system for generating hot leads and customers with powerful ads, webpages, posts, and salesletters time and time again…
You acquire a lifetime skill with this manual, not a quick fix like you'd get it you paid someone like me to write or fix your ad, webpages, or emails for you..
It includes actual copies of money-making letters and ads that I’ve written for me and others. (These samples alone have been said to be worth the entire price!)
Second: You get my Ad Magic Video which teaches you my easy-to-follow "Secret Creation System" that makes writing ads and webpages effortless.
This is a succinct, hard-hitting summary. It’s all here folks… (I’ve spilt the beans that the "big boys" didn’t want me to spill – and they’re mad as a wet hen!) This video is a powerful and entertaining presentation I did at a seminar in New Orleans where attendees paid $15,000 to learn from me and other marketing and advertising geniuses.
I’ll tell you the thinking behind each of these money-making sales letters and ads so you can learn to do it yourself!
Oh, and please don’t think these critiques will be some sort of quick "brush-off" like some other "gurus" offer. I promise that you’ll get hard-hitting, eye-opening advice – I pull no punches. If your ad or sales letter is terrible…. I’ll tell you that it is!!! I’ll spend all the time it takes to help you understand; and then I’ll tell you what to do to fix it.
In fact, take a look at what a few current Ad Magic owners say about the critiques:
Neal Hunter
I emailed my web copy to you for some fine tuning and tweaking, (just so I could create the PERFECT web page) and in our Skype consultation you managed to completely shred my composition…and repeatedly insult my ability… in just a very few minutes. And I enjoyed it!!!
And then you spent an hour showing me how put the pieces back together so the words and thoughts would be much more effective in convincing the reader to sign the order form. And I enjoyed THAT even more!"
"Brian took my rough draft Facebook ad, and in less than 30 minutes he made that ad sing! How do I know? Because the response from the market is blowing me away!
Sales can barely keep up with the leads. My clerical staff hardly passes them on before we get more."
Michael Jans
Michael Katz
"Dear Brian, Thank you for your critique of my at for the X-Port X-Ray Portfolio. I found your suggestions to be extremely helpful. Your free ad critiques are clearly worth more than what I paid for your "Advertising Magic" program."
As you can see, my customers are thrilled with the critiques — some even go so far to say that the critiques alone are worth more than the cost of the entire Ad Magic program… I believe they’re right.
So with the critiques, the course, the six audios, and the video, you’ll be getting everything you need to make your ads, sales letters, web pages, webinars and posts work for you so you can generate all the hot leads and customers you’ll ever need.
If you're marketing anything on the internet, you need to build a mailing list.
There are marketing gurus who say,
Whether you choose to say, "Your business is your list," or "Your list is your business," it's all the same thing.
Most of the money in marketing is made with email followup after the prospect has opted in to your page.
Email followup is just the beginning of what this highly acclaimed integrated ecommerce solution can do for you.
It automates all parts of your online business, from charging and depositing funds, notifying shipping, sending confirmations and sales messages, and much more!
I've arranged for you to get the first month of AutoPilotRiches, this incredile, impeccable ecommerce solution and business builder at zero cost with zero obligation.
It's the leading ecommerce system for the normal marketer (those who don't have PhD's in computer science) who wants workable solutions and to make automated money in their business.
The true, ascertainable value of this bonus is $129, but most users say it's priceless, and they wouldn't take any amount of money to go without it. It's literally how they run their business.
This will give you a way to examine it, with all its features, to see if it makes sense for you.
Finally you get my Facebook Magic course, a $127 value curriculum that, literally can make you a fortune.
Many of my marketing associates and clients spend $50k - $75k each month on Facebook ads...
And the ONLY reason why that would do that is because they're making money from it... A LOT of money! Some of them are consistently getting 12x ad spend, meaning, due to Facebook, they're earning high 6-figures every month!
You will have that same capacity, too, now that you've got the secrets of Facebook Magic on your side.
This incredible valuable training resource includes 500 actual winning Facebook ads for you to mimic, copy, and bust loose on your own promotions, as well as a special training section by an associate of mine who speaks from his experience of investing $3 million in his own (not clients' money - but his own!) Facebook campaigns. No fluff, no frills, here's the meat and potatoes that make you strong.
This resource alone is worth 3x what you invest in the entire course. Sadly, I've seen $1k and $2k courses that teach less, by less qualified individuals than this free bonus to Ad Magic alone!
But the copy is only one of two necessary dimensions to success with Facebook. Not to geek you out here...
But you can get the copy tuned to whistle Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, but if you blow it with the technical dimension, all you get is a way big bill for ads that didn't work, with no incoming revenue to pay that bill.
You need to know how to take advantage of Facebook's incredibly precise targeting options. And don't forget about retargeting! That's where you'll likely make most of your revenues.
And when you learn to use custom and look alike audiences, your ROI goes through the roof, because you're dealing not with cold traffic, sizzlin hot traffic!
And bidding is a science with Facebook, and if you don't know what you're doing, watch out! It is not intuitive...
And remember..
Of course you get the immediate guarantee that you'll receive everything you've been promised you here, in good condition – nothing broken, everything working. But beyond that…
If, after you put Brian's proven techniques to the test and try them for one full year, you find that Ad Magic hasn’t brought you in at least TEN TIMES (10X) WHAT YOU PAID FOR IT, simply request a complete no–hassle refund.
And everything – the manual, the audio and video training, and the three FREE bonuses - the invaluable consultations, the free trial, and Facebook Magic – are yours to keep even if you do get your money back!
ALL the risk is on me to prove this copywriting system works!
It's impossible to be more fair than that! And that's how sure I am this will revolutionize your ad results!
Here's a summary of what you get:
1. Ad Magic Manual – lays out in full detail every single detail of Brian Keith Voile’s legendary copywriting insights and techniques (Value $995)
2. Ad Magic Video – brief presentation on the kernels of “the formula” – Brian’s lethal AICPBSWAN formula (that may not mean much to you now, but it will) (Value $95)
3. Ad Magic Audio Course – Brian teaches approximately 6 hours of the highlights of every part of his system, plus goes over a sample webpage in line-by-line detail! Invaluable. (Value $295)
That's $1,385 worth of value.
1. Ad Magic Critique Coupons (Value: 2 x $295 = $590)
2. Facebook Magic – 7 Top Tricks To Make Your Facebook Ads Pull 10x Their Cost (Priceless! Literally millions, but if I had to put a price on it, I’ve seen a lot less for $1,000!) (Value $127)
3. - World's leading integrated YET SIMPLE ecommerce system for autoresponders, funnels, and for taking the customer's money! (Value: $129)
That's an additional $845 worth of bonuses, bringing the total value to $2,230.
Yet you get all of this for a fraction of its value, for peanuts!
Think of it! Though this is, of course, NOT to be construed as a promise that you will earn millions - because it takes work to actually do it, and that's not how well the average person applies themself - this skill CAN literally make you millions in short order.
That's fact, not fancy.
It may be less, of course, but it may be more.
Yes, Brian! I'm ready to revolutionize my ad results! I want your Ad Magic course just as you describe it here!
I'm ready to improve my life by putting out ads, webinars, webpages, sales letters, and in-store pieces that’ll suck-in the leads, the customers, and the cash like crazy!!
Discount Magic! Good for next 24 hours!
Use coupon code "copy" on full pay (without quotemarks) or ""for copy" on 3 installment option for a whopping 15% discount on your order today. This generous discount is intended to reward action takers.
We’re talking a real-life, nuts-and-bolts, down-to-earth, step-by-step system for pumping out ads, webinars, webpages, sales letters, posts, emails and flyers that make you money… time and time again…
Brian's done it for the "big boys", now let him do it for you.
What’s more, you’ll gain a brand new skill — the skill of creating powerful ads, webinars, web pages, and sales letters that’ll put money in your pocket time after time!
A skill you can use to multiply yourself 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 times — every time you place an ad, or mail a letter!
And if you really want to take this new skill up a notch, you get everything you need to use this new skill to write sales letters for other marketers, too!
Imagine getting $20k - $30k for spending a couple lazy days on the beach writing a sales letter!
And those who are really good command prices up to $100k plus a percentage on the views, optins, or sales, according to how you set it up.
Your whole life and entire existence can upgrade by multiples based on the one decision you make now...
Or, sure, you can go ahead and throw your same old ads, stale web pages, and lackluster sales letters out to the marketplace again. And you can hope and pray that your next customer generating promotion works out.
But why put yourself through it all?
With it, you’ll discover the real secrets of creating ads, webinars, webpages, sales letters, posts, and emails that pull customers and leads in like magic!
Think about this :
$327 is a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you’re going to lose over your lifetime without this advertising know-how. That's money that could be yours…
Looking at it that way…
Don’t put this off… you’re worth it.
All the hot leads and customers for your business are just around the corner! Soon you can have them practically lining up and begging you to take their money.
Yes, Brian! I'm ready to revolutionize my ad results! I want your Ad Magic course just as you describe it here!
I'm ready to improve my life by putting out ads, webinars, webpages, sales letters, and in-store pieces that’ll suck-in the leads, the customers, and the cash like crazy!!
Discount Magic! Good for next 24 hours!
Use coupon code "copy" on full pay (without quotemarks) or ""for copy" on 3 installment option for a whopping 15% discount on your order today. This generous discount is intended to reward action takers.
© 2024 Quantum Up Inc